Monday, October 4, 2010

Webisode Ideas - LET'S DO THIS...

You must have 3 webisode ideas posted on the blog. Don't wait till the end of the week to start posting.

Read the blog each day and see what ideas your classmates are posting. If something about the webisode strikes you, ADD TO IT. Contribute to someone else's story. Pose story possibilities by asking a question that starts with "What if..." See where that takes the story.Keep bouncing ideas off each other.

You're the writing staff of this show. The staff has to meet every day, not once a week.

On your 3 webisode ideas - instead of just posting a beginning middle, and end - WORK OUT THE WHOLE STORY.

We will still continue to make the story as strong as possible when we break it down in class, but we need to do more work up front to get more use out of the class time.

In each episode, what's the character's problem? What conflict does it create with the other characters?


  1. Are we going to be writing out whole pieces or sentences that illustrate what would happen during the beginning, middle, and end of each webisode?

  2. I just want to make sure that each idea has at least a beginning, middle, and end. But don't stop there if you have more. Go ahead and write as much of the outline as you'd like.

  3. Character bios

    Warden B.B. Warren

    BB a native of Alabama followed in his father’s footsteps of being a charming womanizer, respected townsman and eventually warden of small prison. Wanting to become a politician BB knew he had to leave his birth state and take on more of a challenge.
    BB finds himself moving to California to fill the warden spot for a maximum security prison for women. BB confident that the job will be as easy as the previous prison soon finds that his southern charm doesn’t always work on the ladies. BB meets his match when a conniving fem fatale named Charlie enters his prison.
    With his reputation on the line BB tries to stay in control to reach his political dream but just may crumble when he realizes that the inmates aren’t the only ones trying to bring him down.


    At the age of sixteen Charlie packed up and left home in pursuit of happiness. Befriending a street savvy pimp named Dime. Charlie realized quickly that she could make more money robbing perverts then sleeping with them. Along the way she learned the scam game and found herself in the center of the social elites.
    Feeling betrayed by Charlie, Dime tries to silence her but finds himself doomed. Charlie turns the tables on him by luring him to a hotel room where the brother of a former ho gets his revenge.
    Charlie is subsequently charged with murder but due to lack of evidence she is let go. Now with a new life to live Charlie continues to scam, but all good things come to an end.
    Having an affair with a local politician, Charlie learns of financial corruption and is framed sending her to prison for no reason. Good one that is.

    Daisy DeBulle

    Daisy at an early age knew she wanted to be in some part of law enforcement. Running the streets as a beat cop didn’t quite work since Daisy was always overly abusive with criminals.
    Rather than be fired Daisy was suggested to work in a more controlled environment, the prison system. Daisy quickly gained respect as the little lady with the big attitude, Daisy’s no crap tolerance got her recognized as a potential for the warden seat.
    All is turning out well for Daisy until Warden Warren arrives.
    Immediately noticing how corrupt Warren is, Daisy takes full advantage of sabotaging his likeliness, image and work conduct, in order to get the position she would literally kill for.

  4. Benito, the backstory on charlie is awesome. In fact I think it really brings things up to date on where we're at on page one. I think all of it from learning about robbing perverts on is strong.

  5. Let's keep this area strictly for webisode ideas.

    Anything you want to add to the character bios, please list under the character names already set up.


  6. The Pilot

    We see Warden B.B. Warren in his office breaking the fourth wall, talking about himself as a Governor. Jump cuts, as he walks through different parts of a prison, and really cheesy B-roll of him standing if “powerful” positions. After some more jump cuts and crazy political promises, he introduces some of his female prisoners, with sexual suggestions in the subtext. When he intoducers CHARLY, he finds himself dumb founded on camera, because the cell is empty.

    We jump cut a hidden camera shooting the Warden yelling at his guard Daisy, yet we don't hear the yelling. We hear the camera operator and sound tech arguing. He tells her not to shoot this, but she argues him to shut up and turn the mike on. Afterwords we hear a sound pop and then hear the last bit of the warden yelling at Daisy.

    We then jump cut to a set interview with Dasiy. She talks a bit about the warden, but avoids the subject of the obvious escape going on, besides for small slights about it not happening if she was in charge.

    We jump cut to a bunch of different interviews with inmates about the escaped convict, all gossiping about how she escaped, and why shes in jail in the first place.

    We then jump cut to the Warden being interviewed. At first he is lecturing the camera crew about what happened earlier in the week and deleting that footage, then how to spin this to make it work for his campaign. Then they remind him they are rolling so he then switches gears and performs some terrible acting about how much he plans to come down on the convicts and prison security systems, he is attempting to spin the situation in his favor. The interview is then interrupted by Daisy, announcing the fugitive has been caught.

  7. An episode where we start off with interviews of cell mates, and of Warden Warren.

    BB is being criticized about his security measures, and how many convicts seem to be escaping his prison. After a call from his mother, he decides to take measures into his own hands..

    He steals the camera in the middle of the night and uses night vision to spy on inmates.

    Instead he discovers DAISY in her office using steroids.

    Warren confronts Daisy, leanring that she wants his job, and threatens hers. With help from Charly, Daisy learns that she has way more leverage on Warden Warren then he has on her.

    He deletes the footage of her using drugs, and we leave the episode with him worried about his campaign and the leverage Charly has on him.

  8. The documentary crew decides they want to spend less time on Warrens stupid campaign and more time on "America's Favorite Badass," Charly.

    They interview her and work to get to the bottom of who is she is, and how she got to prison.

    Meanwhile, the Warden, trying to work on his image, is triyng to find his missing skeleton key. Fearing another breakout, he teams up with Daisy to investigate who took the key.

    Warden though is blinded, only cracking down on Charly, mainly because of his jelousy of her fame.

    By the end of the episode we discover, Daisy to be the one who stole the key.

  9. The Warden holds a talent competition for the prisoners. Unable to come up with a substantial reward on the spot the Warden offers an advanced pardon track for whomever wins the competition. Chaos breaks out and the Warden is forced to go to Charlie for help.

    Daisy strikes a deal with Charlie in order to get the Warden fired. They nearly succeed but petty jealousy gets in them to sabotage eachother.

    The warden strikes a deal with an advertising agency for a popular soda brand causing everything in the prison to be branded with the soda label. But after the ad agency tours with the warden they are so appalled with it that they remove their endorsement.


    NEWS REPORT: A news reporter does a story on political candidate B.B. Warden’s public humiliation during his live speech on TV. She reports that inmate CHARLIE, one of BB’s escaped convicts from his maximum woman's security prison, was caught in the background of BB’s live speech about his perfect record on crime and as a great warden.

    Warden BB sits with his head down on his desk. His office is buzzing with a news crew setting up lights and a reporter getting ready to go live with the reporter to defend himself on TV.

    DAISY, BB’s lead guard/publicist tries to convince BB that this is just a minor set back and it can be spun to make him look good. DAISY also reminds him that their Shock belt contract with the R.U.R. corporation (Rehabilitation Under Republicans) is threatening to pull their funding and find another spokesperson who can control their prisons.

    CHARLIE is led down a prison hall followed by her lawyer and prison guard. CHARLIE looks right into the camera and gloats. BB see’s this in his office via security camera.

    BB curses and says horrible things about CHARLIE and women in general while the news crew sets up for his live rebuttal.

    The documentary crew sits in the back ground watching BB get ready for his “live” spot on the news. They continue to film the chaos in the office. BB continues to spit verbal diarrhea until the second they go live where he becomes a perfect and composed southern gentleman for his live spot on the news.

    BB walks into the interrogation room that CHARLIE is in with her lawyer. Every technique and power the warden has used in the past is thwarted by CHARLIE’s lawyer who uses her technology to instantly print out lawsuit templates and serve them to BB. DAISY walks into the room and pulls BB out. BB storms away cussing and throwing a fit.

    DAISY turns to the DOCUMENTARY CREW and asks them if they got all of that. The CREW says they did and DAISY hands them a wad of cash.

  11. What if Charlie runs for governor?

    Warden B.B finds out Charlie has respond to her fan mail by telling them she will be running for governor. The media catches wind and decides to cover the story; this takes attention away from Warden B.B’s campaign. B.B with the help of Daisy de Bulle (she wants him to be governor, so she can have his job) must come up with a plan to bring the focus back on Warden B.B, and destroy any chance of Charlie stealing his voters.

  12. All I seemed to be able to muster were serious plotlines with somewhat of an arc. I tried sending this all this morning before a flight, but the comment didn't take, so hopefully this will all make sense to y'all:

    Story #1: "The Local Economy"

    We begin immediately as Charly's being hauled back to the Warden's prison and is immediately thrown into the hole and a terse game of cat and mouse begins. While Charly wiles away in solitary confinement in the hole, the Warden tries his best to break her, to find out how exactly she was able to break out and who helped her. Just as the showdown is going on, Daisy is beginning to have her hands full with a slew of fights and squabbles with the female population. It turns out that the black market economy of cigarettes has dried out since Charly's absence and the natives have become more than restless. The women want their cigarettes. Days pass and things continue to get more terse, while Charly keeps a brave face amongst it all. The Warden cracks to bring order to his prison, Charly, exhausted, gets back into her cell and within a day, somehow, someway are the prisoners smoking again.

    Story #2: "Fundraiser"

    The Warden's getting ready to attend a fundraiser for his campaign, meanwhile a race war between two gangs flares up. Daisy tries to maintain order, but considering that he's the head guard, there isn't anyone willing to give her the time of day. Begrudgingly, she turns to Charly to see if they can tamp down the violence before word gets to the Warden. Charly only requests that she gets a TV in her cell and Daisy complies. Through their team-up, does Charly realize Daisy's hate/love relationship with the Warden and how much she lusts after his job. (can't seem to figure out the ending...)

    Story #3: "Succotash"

    Charly finds herself assigned to kitchen duties, making food for the other prisoners. It's here in the kitchen that she makes a succotash that's tasty aroma makes it to the Warden and he demands to know who made the food. He claims that he's not smelled anything like that since he used to live back in the South with his family and offers to have a competition to hopefully weed out the cook and reward them. The prize: double conjugal visits for the cook. The kitchen prisoners all scramble and create just exactly the Warden's asking for, except for Charly, who's trying not to show her poker hand in the kitchen. The prisoners all try their hand and fail, including Charly, who recreates her dish of succotash but not without adding a ridiculous amount of red pepper to the final product before giving it to the Warden. The Warden gags and bolts to the nearest bathroom after trying Charly's dish. Afterwards, Charly's in the hole again and the documentary crew ask just why she did what she did to the Warden: Charly reveals that as a child, her mother made succotash for her husband until he left their family penniless and alone, thus fueling the idea that Charly's on a mission of revenge against the man who ruined her family, the Warden.

  13. Michael Rawley's idea for the corporate sponsorship of a soda in the prison is so awesome and silly that there's tons of comic gold to be milked from it. One can easily imagine the Warden become incredibly overzealous with the sponsorship, with logos of soda everywhere, soda being served in leiu of water, just something zany in the midst of this serious women's prison. It sounds like something akin to what a good Arrested Development or Delocated would start with and then roll with to crazy levels, I'm all for this wholeheartedly.

  14. Hey everyone, sorry I missed last week but I did a lot of thinking about episode ideas and I'd really appreciate feedback on any and all of the following beginning ideas.

    -Charlie decides to marry one of her admirers, with her real intention to use the event to get something important from the outside smuggled in to the prison. There could be a lot about why she picked this specific one and a huge crowd showing up like a “celebrity” wedding.

    -The warden becomes the subject of a state investigation into his security measures following the breakout and is receiving pressure from his superiors to discover how Charlie exacped.

    -The prison budget gets a bump following the breakout to improve security measures, and a private company arrives to pitch their new technology for tracking prisoners.

    -An oprah-like talk show wants to do an interview with Charlie from inside the prison and the warden tries to get in on the publicity, but they only want to talk to Charlie and Daisy.

    -Charlie threatens to expose Warren’s affairs with the other inmates if he doesn’t give her some sort of special treatment.

    -Charlie gets caught with contraband that daisy planted, but was intended to implicate the warden.

    -Rumors begin to spread that tensions are rising between rival gangs and may result in an all out riot. Warren insists that Daisy use charlie’s influence to calm the other prisoners.

    -Warren receives pressure from the state to cut costs in the prison and he must figure out who on the staff in expendable, turns to daisy for help.

    -Another inmate attempts escape and accuses daisy of promising to help her with her plan.

    -A large “free Charlie” protest forms outside the prison. Warren tells daisy to stop it, and she must turn to Charlie when she is ultimately unable to.

    -A member of charlie’s family comes to visit her and warren uses the opportunity to try and charm information out of them about Charlie.

    -The annual “bring your child to work day” finds warren bringing in his kid/niece/nephew/neighbor. The kid ends up liking daisy more then warren.

    -Warren’s campaign manager shows up. Warren is down in the polls so he wants to film another tv spot, featuring him and Charlie, to show that warren is the one in control. She doesn’t comply.
    -Daisy catches Charlie trying to smuggle in an unusual item, and warren tried to figure out what she could use it for.

    -Charlie is found by daisy with another inmate who has been attacked, but she swears she didn’t do it.

  15. "BB goes pink"

    BB on his high horse campaign trail is asked by the documentary crew, the question about the health of his prisoners and if proper precautions are being taken. Not quite understanding BB jokes about how the females cannot penetrate each other and AIDS is not a factor.

    the crew responds with asking him if he has his prisoners get mammograms to see if any of them have breast cancer. BB responds with a giggle and doesn't see why prisoners would need that since they are locked.

    Daisy listening on is furious but takes the opportunity to add fuel to BB's ignorance by organizing a publicly announced breast cancer awareness day at the prison. Daisy is immediately thrown in the spotlight and takes full of advantage of it to show she can run the prison.

    BB is like a deer in headlights when he cannot answer any of the questions. Daisy comes to the rescue creating the illusion that she is here to help BB.

    Upon completions of the mammograms, Daisy tells BB away from the public it would be great for his campaign to get a prostate exam. BB is confused since they were only checking women but Daisy assures him that in the public eye this will show he cares about his own health as well as everyone elses.

    BB agrees and without his knowledge, the documentary crew records it.

  16. I really like david's idea about the crew focusing on charlie for one episode I like how daisy is the one that took the key and the whole time the warden is accusing daisy, it gives the opportunity to show daisy trying to push the warden out. I think during the interviews on charlie, she should not be really into it and they like shoot random stuff like her working out or reading or something and try to turn it into something else.

  17. I still really like the idea of a talent competition or as we discussed in class maybe they try to attempt thriller or another another famous dance routine. I think that would be a real fun idea. The warden could really be into it and he thinks he is a good dancer and choreographer but daisy is the one who turns out to get the steps right. (which could be a surprise because that is out of her character) I don't know why she would help out the warden I can't think of any motives, maybe this could be a campaign the warden is working on therefore daisy helps because she wants him out of the prison?

  18. Here's a quick idea I thought of:
    Charlie has an admirer that visits her everyday in jail (I'm not exactly sure how visiting hours work or who is allowed to see the inmates) But I was thinking of a stalker-fan that visits her or contacts her through mail, and is obsessed with her. (depending on how visiting hours work) Maybe the warden allows this guy to visit, to get some info on Charlie and hold it against her. Sorry this isn't fully developed but I like the idea of focusing an episode on one of Charlie's biggest fans.

  19. I changed the Daisy on steroids idea here and there for this one.

    "Daisy In Love"

    -Daisy at the gym, working out rigorously. She takes a shower and puts too much perfume. She also starts wearing heavy make up and get her hair done. She eats nothing but carrot for lunch and smiles all day long mysteriously. Charlie realizes that and she wants to find out what is up with Daisy. Similarly, the warden also sees that and he asks Daisy to man up instead.

    -Daisy stands on a scale and she gets really upset after she sees her weight. Charlie approaches her. Daisy doesn't want to tell her at first, but Charlie manipulates her so well. Daisy falls in love with one of the new guards. She wants him to notice her but she overheard a conversation that this guard is only interested in dating skinny chicks. So, she's planning to lose weight to get his attention.

    -Charlie offers to coach Daisy to be as fabulous as herself. Daisy agrees, even though she is a little confused. The warden sees that Daisy is less terrifying than before and thinks it is a problem.

    -Charlie teaches Daisy how to talk and flirt with men. Daisy tries to do as told and she flirts with the guard, which goes somewhat smooth. The warden overhears the conversation and he also has his own plan.

    -As Daisy and Charlie get closer. They secretly hire a manicurist to pamper them at the prison. Charlie teaches Daisy to be the woman she wants to be and Daisy helps Charlie to get the hairdresser she needs to keep her fabulous appearance.

    -The warden fires the new guard. Daisy is upset and mad. Charlie backs her up and persuades Daisy to seek a revenge.

  20. "Happy BBday"

    -Warren wants to celebrate his birthday at the prison. He wants everyone to perform something for him. Daisy thinks the idea is so ridiculous.

    -Warren talks to Charlie, he wants Charlie to do something extraordinary for him, hoping to catch the attention of the media. Charlie disagrees at first, but Warren promises a lot of privileges for her, that she finally agrees.

    -Daisy secretly persuades the inmates to not do what Warren tells them to do. She tries to get Charlie on her side.

    -Warren, acting more like a king than a warden, commands the inmates to do a musical from his favorite play. He wants Charlie to be the main lead. Charlie can't sing and she is terrified when she hears the idea of her singing. She refuses to do it. Warren is unhappy. Charlie comes up to Daisy and they come up with a plan.

    -Daisy and Charlie plan to ruin the birthday by manipulating the clock so that the other inmates will wake up late and screw the schedule of the day. Charlie tells Daisy that she wants to do something more than that, but Daisy doesn't want to.

    -Nobody knows how she does it, but Charlie sends an apple pie, Warren's favorite food to his office. Warren happily eats the pie and finds a huge shrimp inside. He is severely allergic to shrimp. He turns red and needs medical attention.

    -At the end, Daisy asks Charlie why she did this. She says because she doesn't want to sing so badly.

  21. I absolutely love the idea of Daisy in love. I think that would be a brilliant episode.

  22. So, my idea for an episode is the camera crew decides they want to follow Charlie for a day, find out what she is doing when she isn't teasing BB or Daisy. And Charlie kind of likes this idea, treats it a little like MTV's Cribs. Of course, the whole time, she is supposed to be serving work for causing some chaos from another episode, so Daisy is following her, and the camera crew, trying to put Charlie in line. It's just an idea, but... Yeah.

  23. "Class of Cell Block C"

    BB prepares to attend a benefit dinner for preventing education budget cuts. In preparing to speak he pretty makes up his own stats about how lack of education can lead to a life of crime and prison.

    Upon BB doing actual reaserch he ends up finding out that most of his prisoners were high school grads or even college graduates. Charlie is amongst the prisoners who posses multiple degrees she scammed her way of getting. What he doesn't realize is the documentary crew and even Daisy have found out this news.

    Rather than try to hide this info, he thinks he can pursuade Charlie to do a PSA on his behalf. Knowing this is a terrible idea Daisy re-assures BB that it will be beneficial.

    I am still tryin to think of more to add on but this is the basic idea for the episode.

  24. Benito- I really like both of your ideas. They definitely fit the tone, style, etc. (and the way I was imagining the structure/plots).

    On "BB Goes Pink": I like Daisy getting in the spotlight. We need more Charlie though. What if she is the one who convinces BB on the prostate exam thing? And she somehow gets the results to be positive and scares BB?

    On "Class of Cell Block C":
    What if Charlie refuses to do the PSA unless BB has some classes taught for the inmates? He agrees, and the doc crew shoots the PSA but BB just gets a local grad student to teach remedial math (or something else "lame"). Charlie finangles the footage and demands "high scale" classes instead; like Survey of Chinese 15th Century Art, Conversational Swahilli, Redefining the Enlightenment Age: Aesthetics of Modern Government, or Post Modern English Literature....

  25. A quick summary of the ideas I pitched in class:

    - Conjugal Visit: Although she isn't legally married, Charlie requests a conjugal visit. BB denies it and refuses to talk to Charlie about it... until he hears through Daisy that it is with a woman (lets say Vivienne). BB doesn't believe Charlie is a lesbian so she has to convince him that she's in a relationship with Vivi. She produces photos, mementos, letters, and "witnesses." BB finally agrees... and hovers near the door during (but a pacing Daisy keeps him from downright barging in). Inside Charlie is really meeting an old friend (fellow con artist) with the pretext of getting her help on escaping again (this time she needs help on the outside, maybe trouble with ppl she conned? the mob?).

  26. ... contin.

    - The Musical: On the tail end of a speech supporting education funding, BB bashes music and theater programs, calling the "fruity." His agent, desperate for some good PR for the campaign, convinces BB to have a theater/musical production at the prison w/the inmates. BB and Daisy argue over picking a show (here we learn that BB actually loves musical theater and knows a lot about it, but he trashes it because he wasn't cast as the lead in a high school play). Daisy & BB hold auditions for the show; Charlie is clearly the best one for the lead (maybe he sheds one "macho" tear during her audition), but jealous of her infamy and talent, BB picks another girl. He announces the production to the press, gives them a little performance, but after a little good press over his efforts (and not wanting for fork out the cash for a real production), he cancels the show, and releases fake photos of the show nite.

  27. ... contin.

    - The Hollywood Visit: A couple of hotshot producers show up at the prison wanting to interview Charlie and discuss a money deal based on her life. BB denies them access...until they offer him money for his campaign. He says yes, but the Doc Crew objects- claiming they have rights ("first dibs") to Charlie's story. They blackmail BB with incriminating footage of him mistreating inmates or something. Daisy tells Charlie this, she gets in with the producers, but demands the Doc Crew stay involved. Then on the side she makes a deal with them to get the footage of BB.

  28. Ok, two more, real quick, not as hashed out.

    - The Blind Date: Campaign manager tells BB he needs to look more wholesome and "family" oriented for the campaign and urges him to find "a supporting wife." Daisy immediately steps in to "help" and sets BB up on a blind date with a friend (someone from her gym, or a guard at another prison). Thinking he can show off his power in the prison, BB brings his date there, and Charlie finds a way to cock it up (haven't figured out how yet... insert idea here:_________).

    - The Prison Goes Green: Eager to appear in support of the environment, BB announces his prison will be the first to become a certified LEED building. Of course, BB has no such plans, and enlists Charlie to help him "con" the LEED committee (for her incentive/motivation, insert idea here:_____________).

    Obviously that last one needs a lot more... go for it.

  29. I absolutely adore the blind date idea! But what if Charlie is the one who finds him his blind date, and Daisy is wholly against the idea, her scheme of subtly influencing BB completely out the window if he has a woman around to tell him what Daisy's planning?

  30. I thought I would throw another out:

    Warren's new campaign manager wants to create a family image for his campaign so he proposes to Daisy.

    Daisy unused to the romantic attention immediately interferes in the plan.

    Meanwhile Charlie is running a con on the inside of the prison convincing a poor hopeless Romantic to marry her.

    She plans to use his money to break out of Jail.

    In order to soften his image the Campaign manager decides it would be a good idea to do it as a double marriage.

    Charlie discovers her fiance has no money, and Warren becomes apprehensive about getting married to Daisy.

    On the day of the wedding both parties are about to go through with everything when Daisy and Charlie's Fiance confess they love eachother.

    This leaves Warren and Charlie alone at the alter. If this were a two part episode they might get married. But it seems like the tone of the series is serious so perhaps this wouldn't gel with the other episodes.

  31. "What if Charlie runs for governor?

    Warden B.B finds out Charlie has respond to her fan mail by telling them she will be running for governor. The media catches wind and decides to cover the story; this takes attention away from Warden B.B’s campaign. B.B with the help of Daisy de Bulle (she wants him to be governor, so she can have his job) must come up with a plan to bring the focus back on Warden B.B, and destroy any chance of Charlie stealing his voters."

    Unfortunately I feel like this might fall outside of the logic of our show.

  32. "-The prison budget gets a bump following the breakout to improve security measures, and a private company arrives to pitch their new technology for tracking prisoners."

    I really like this one Kara. It could provide the impetus for alot of Drama. We might need a few more elements in play to make it work as a full episode though.

  33. I have a question. I just finished watching the first arc of Terries on FX.

    Does anyone think that we might be able to do a small through arc through the 12 episode series in order to tie everything together. Or are we looking at this strictly as a sitcom in the vain of I love Lucy.

    I can't think of a TV show in recent memory where the episodes are completely contained except for a few animated series like Family Guy and The Simpson. and I think it might provide a good reason for people to come back and watch the show.

    To clarify I still think the show should be episodic. Monster if the week if you will. But it might be easier to stretch some of the awesome ideas pitched here over several episodes, and let smaller conflicts being resolved cap each 6-9 minute show.

    What do you think?

  34. Personally, I really like cyclical writing that loops around or has references to past episodes even though the arc is self contained. I think it would be awesome to do both. Have an arc at least on paper and have each episode self-contained so the arc doesn't intrude but is an addition. If that makes sense?
