Sunday, October 17, 2010

"B.B. AND THE PRIEST" (Family Values Webisode)

Again, to help establish the tone...


BB is against same sex marriage. He gets endorsed by an influential priest…who turns out to be gay.


BB gets a political endorsement from a priest who has big problems with the governor (who’s currently under investigation for all kinds of ethics violations).

During a photo shoot in the warden’s office, BB and the PRIEST show their solidarity – shaking hands, arms around each other, joining hands held high…when Charlie barges in, pissed.

Two inmates, (Butch and Rocky), serving life sentences, want to get married, and Charlie just heard that BB refused to allow it. He’s against same sex marriage.

Speaking on behalf of the inmates, Charlie thinks Butch and Rocky make a lovely couple and that they should have the right to do life as wife and wife.

BB won’t budge from his position. The priest agrees with BB – that such a union would be a sin in the eyes of the Lord. BB is smug. He’s got a priest on his side.

When the photos of the priest endorsing BB are all over the news, a story hits that the priest has been molesting altar boys for years.

BB: I was endorsed by a child molester?

CUT TO: interviews with ADULTS who were abused by the priest. They were undecided about how they were going to vote, but, after the endorsement, all of them are now going to vote for the governor. They don’t care that he took bribes, did coke, and used public funds for personal vacations. At least, he’s not using an endorsement from a child molester to try to get elected.

BB asks Daisy what she thinks he should do. She thinks he should kill himself.
When that suggestion doesn’t go over well, she tells him he should step down as warden.
When that suggestion doesn’t go over well, BB pulls a gun on Daisy and tells her to get out of his office. He tells her to bring Charlie into his office. She’ll know what to do.

Charlie enters, and BB tells her he needs help spinning this story. He needs to distance himself from the priest. Charlie tells BB to be careful not to lose the gay vote.

BB says he doesn’t have the gay vote. She tells him he can’t get elected without it.
She tells him to move the focus away from the priest’s history of child molestation and put the focus on gay rights – to put the spotlight on the ill effects of a society that shames people into hiding their sexual preference. If the priest would have felt more comfortable about coming out of the closet when he was younger, maybe he would have chosen a completely different career path.

Charlie convinces BB that it would be a good political move to support gay rights.

Charlie: It’ll help you get more campaign contributions from most of Hollywood and all of San Francisco.

The idea of more money pouring into his campaign is much more appealing than staying true to his own political beliefs. He’ll say anything to get elected.

Charlie tells BB that saying it isn’t enough. He has to prove it that he’s accepting of same sex marriage. Charlie convinces him let Butch and Rocky get married.

One of Charlie’s identities is as an ordained minister in the Church of All Faiths. It gives her the authority to perform weddings, so she does the ceremony.

BUTCH and ROCKY’s wedding is filmed by the crew – and it was Charlie who made it all happen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Speaking as someone who is bi-sexual, my only problem with this episode is that it seems like we're putting pedophilia and gay marriage in the same arena.

    It's a well known fact that pedophilia is non-discriminatory towards gender.

    That being said I like how the later half of this episode plays out.

    Perhaps the Priest could be protestant and gay or just simply gay.
