Monday, October 11, 2010

Campaign Issues

What's Warden Warren's position on the issues?

1. Add to the list of issues.
2. Pick the areas you spark to and generate stories (beginning, middle, and end) based on those issues.

1. Crime - (in Pilot, he says he's tough on crime; runs a tight ship; Charlie escapes)

2. Family Values

3. Drugs

4. Women's Rights

5. The Death Penalty

6. Gun Control

7. Immigration

8. Education

9. Health Care

10. Abortion


  1. Family Values: Initially very strict social conservative and was in favor of the traditional nuclear family, but since moving to california, which has pockets of extreme social liberals, he has loosened his stance and has become less outspoken about it.

    What if two women in the prison want to marry each other, and the warden forbids it, not only because it is against his beliefs but because it violates certain prison rules. Charlie, seeing an opportunity to create chaos, tells one of her admirers, who then leaks the story to the media, with the spin that the warden is homophobic. This sparks a public outcry and subsequent rallies and protests against the warden. Daisy, seeing an opportunity to make the warden look bad, suggests that he make a public apology and marry the women himself, on camera. He does and it becomes a huge disaster.

  2. What if warren discovers that the medical staff is performing abortions on his prisoners when they get knocked up by the guards. He is outraged and decides to bring in someone to do a sex-ed seminar, for the prisoners and guards alike.

  3. What if warren is advised to change his stance on the death penalty to become more appealing to the liberal parts of california. He really doesn't care either way, but he gets a lot more money from the state to care for the death row inmates, so he says he is really against it. He decides to make two different PSA's with a death row inmate, one that is staunchly in favor of each side. He believes that because they will air in different areas that no one will notice, but this backfires in a big way when someone posts a mashup version of both on youtube and it gets a million hits.

  4. I like the idea of the lesbian wedding, can Warren comes across as a guy who would be against that.

  5. Healthcare is one of the episodes I'm looking at and will post the whole details in the episode blog.

    But as a summary it would focus more so on awareness during breast cancer month. The Warden's lack of awareness of the issue blows up in his face when Daisy finds out he is not letting the prisoners get mammograms.

  6. Benito I like that idea of healthcare and an episode of the Warden maybe getting interviewed for his campaign and he doesn't have the statistics right about breast cancer and somehow this could tie in the mammograms.

  7. I think there may be some really good comedic elements in the wedding idea. What if Charlie was getting married to an inmate just to cause problems for Warden BB.

  8. Education- He wants to prove he loves kids, so he invites a class to take a tour of the prison, they want Charlie's autograph?

  9. Health Care

    The warden explains that the health care system in his prison is one of the best in the country. They manage to maintain the health of all of the inmates. One day, Charlie finds that she suffers from hair loss and she starts blaming the water in prison. Charlie demands the warden to do something about this or she is going to expose it. The warden asks Daisy to take care this problem, but Charlie goes too far and creates a rumor that even the drinking water is toxic.

  10. I agree with Kara, I think the warden should make a comment about a prominent issue, hoping that the government will actually listen to him and believe that he is capable to be one of them.

  11. Yah thanks Myra it will take more brainstorming but I think it can be a definite episode.

  12. Other issues we can explore:
    - Energy/Environment
    - LGBTQ Rights
    - Foreign Policy
    - Civil Rights
    - Poverty
    - Military/Homeland Security (Defense)
    - Faith/Religion (in politics)
    - Taxes/Govt Spending
    - Veteran Affairs

  13. 1. Add to the list of issues.
    2. Pick the areas you spark to and generate stories (beginning, middle, and end) based on those issues.

    1. Crime "If crime were a dog I would put it down. Not that I hate dogs, I love dogs if anything I think there should be more dogs. Not that I don't think people should spade or neuter their pets. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if crime were a dog I'd have it spade or neutered."

    2. Family Values "The problem with these modern families is you have men staying home while women go off to work. Men need to take a larger role in government- I mean families."

    3. Drugs "I haven't done drugs since the 70's. -Wait can you cut that from the tape- Thanks. I have never done drugs, and anyone who does should be locked up in jail for the rest of their lives."

    4. Women's Rights "I think it's a crime shame the state of women's rights in America. There used to be a time when women were unafraid to help cook and clean for their husbands. If elected to office I plan to start a support system for the modern housewive." He raises up a black power fist.

    5. The Death Penalty "I'd put them all down if I could."

    6. Gun Control "Gun Control? Where would civilization be without guns. Would you have the US of A? The British Empire? Rome? Guns are as natural as a microwave dinner."

    7. Immigration "I tried building a fence around my yard to keep out the all of those immigrants. I don't know why people keeping shipping our jobs overseas. Just go down to the Alley behind the bus depot. Plenty of cheap labor there."

    8. Education "The only book that should be taught in the schools is right here." Holds up a copy of the secret.

    9. Health Care "I think the real problem with health care are the doctors. If you can't

    10. Abortion "I don't have a problem with abortion babies are ugly."

  14. @ Michael Drugs: "I haven't done drugs since the 70's. -Wait can you cut that from the tape- Thanks. I have never done drugs, and anyone who does should be locked up in jail for the rest of their lives."

    That was hilarious I could totally see that moment in an episode. And we could cut to the next scene of the warden getting a drug test or something and this could tie in Daisy's issue with steroids.

  15. @ Ghostie Education- He wants to prove he loves kids, so he invites a class to take a tour of the prison, they want Charlie's autograph?
    This could piss him off because he wants to show the kids that he is a powerful person which makes him "cool" but the kids are more interested in Charlie.

  16. I'm not sure if we established this or confirmed Warden BB's mom being the warden of a bigger prison and maybe it's a male prison but that could be a Women's Rights episode. Warden's mom pays a visit while Warden is being interviewed about Women's Rights and the crew becomes very interested in her. They all go down to her prison and see the kind of power she has there.

  17. Michael, those are hilarious and really give me a sense of the character that we discussed. Great job

  18. Mayra, I think that the idea of a kids tour group is a great idea that could have a lot of comedy chances.

  19. Immigration could be a funny thing to play with considering that while Warren tries to establish a firm hard line stance on strenghtening our borders, top executives in charge of the US Border Patrol seek the assistance of Charlie and contract her to help them as an expert, who see her busting out of a maximum security prison as living proof of her skills and abilities. This definitely sets off Warren, as his greatest failure as warden is being not only exploited, but the fact that Charlie's being rewarded for such a thing is too much to take and he seeks to undermine her in anyway he can while she works with the Border Patrol.

  20. The School Tour could also be an interesting thing to play with, perhaps the kids could tour the classrooms that seek to provide higher education for the inmates, but when the elementary school kids know more than the adults being taught, we find out how deficient and mismanaged the prison education system is. Books are from 40 years ago, the teachers are actually fellow inmates teaching each other about Credit Card fraud and Grand Larceny and the funding provided by the states being funneled a number of Warren's causes, one being an off shore account in his name, another being his fund for his political campaign. Redfaced, Warren personally takes it upon himself to teach some of the classes to the prisoners and we discover how out of touch and bizarre his thoughts and beliefs on general topics of education truly are.

  21. @ Myra...I like where you're going with BB's mom coming to visit. I thought his mom coming in and take over the interview and steal the thunder from BB could create some great conflict. Nothing beats a grown man getting embarrassed by your mom on camera.

    I wonder how we could incorporate Charlie or Daisy into your idea to heighten the conflict? Maybe Charlie wrote a letter to BB's mom which in turn caused her to start her "fill in the blank" campaign?

  22. The military/war in Iraq idea I think could be explored, I think perhaps with Warren being incredibly nationalist and patriotic in his eyes, declaring that anyone that doesn't support our troops as being an act of terrorism, meanwhile a poesy of equipment that the prison manufactures (body armor, something automotive, etc) is faulty, leading to an embarrassing accident in Iraq. Eager to prove that the prison's manufacturing plant is sound, we see Warren working for a day in the plant alongside the female prisoners, trying to spin this all for the troops and we see how inept and lazy he truly is as the cameras roll, leading to an accident on the floor and Warren's incompetence this cause. Just spitballing, not sure where I could shoehorn Daisy or Charlie into this yet...


    B.B. supports on a "crackdown on immigration" in his campaign for governor.

    CHARLIE gets a lucrative movie of the week deal for her escape story which BB demands 60% of the profit.

    Charlie refuses and BB puts the whole jail on lock down with no visitors until charlie agree's to give up 60%.

    CHARLIE puts in a call to city hall and the news stations and reminds them that the official county line splits the prison in half and gives Warren BB official authority on only half of his prison.

    Some of the inmates and CHARLIE make a run to cross the border to get away from the oppressive Warden and find a better life for themselves across the border.

    Freedom of Religion: Why won't the warden let CHARLIE give personality test to the other inmates in recruitment for Scientology? Can Warren BB really deny his inmates candles in their cells if they want to practice Satanism? And why should there be a mandatory church attendance for inmates just because Warren BB has the republican endorsement for his campaign?


    Local gangster rap star Dre Dog Dre wants to shoot his new music video at Warren’s B.B.’s prison with CHARLIE. Despite Dre Dog Dre offering Warren BB lots of money BB says no way because it would interfere with his campaign.

    Charlie arranges for Dre Dog Dre to sneak in and have his film crew shoot the music video when BB is out on his campaign speech against violent rap music.

    Warren BB comes back early and discovers that Dre Dog Dre and Charlie are shooting a music video behind his back. BB grabs DAISY and they go on a hunt fro Dre Dog Dre and CHARLIE to get the footage back.

    The inmates dress Dre Dog Dre up as a woman inmate and hide him while trying to sneak him out of prison.
