Monday, November 29, 2010

Series Finale

Post your thoughts.


  1. If BB is going to win the Governor's race for Governor of City Town wouldn't it be awesome to have him have to marry Daisy. Now hear me out. Daisy is pregnant, and they've worked together for many many years. Governor Peters or Fedwards or whatever could protest the marriage. He's for gay marriage but not nay marriage based on Daisy's recent horsefaceism because of the buck-shots and the acid bath (read episode ?) she had to endure, BB can't afford to have a child out of wedlock, so he's got to get her hitched before he's sworn in. At the alter her water breaks. The priest, BB's priest, doesn't want to marry them but BB pulls out all the stops and promises to satisfy the Priest's needs with a back end deal. If GOV, BB will push for prayers in school and the presence of the Priest. Charlie wants out she's had all she can take of prison and she calls a meeting with BB. She guarantees him a win if she can get paroled after the elections. To ensure BB doesn't renege on the deal she's had a clause placed on the negotiation by making BB sign a contract in front of the producer and the filmer of the documentary, on tape. The tape is to be sealed and hidden in a secure location upon Charlie's choosing for collateral. BB on the other hand gets Charlie to call in her favor. Which is no small feet. Even Charlie's influence when it comes to electing a nincompoop like BB is a hard sell. A doting follower and oftener suitor denies Charlie's claims that BB will lower the militaries presence in the region known as :Area 41: Charlie calls in another favor, it's the Governor's nanny who is pregnant and in a lawsuit with the current Gov, she refuses to help persuade her 1000 person book club to vote for BB, because of his stance on gun related issues, she mentions Gov BB's failed, "Books for Bullets" program where BB tried to invited the public to trade their bullets for the books of the City Town library. Charlie has to pull out the big guns--she's got to do the unthinkable, sign with the actress Meadow to sell her life story to get the big push from the celebrity culture. That's being done as she secures the votes for BB, a parking lot of mercedes and prius' fill a polling parking lot just as Charlie signs her liferights project away and BB looks up beyond a surgical mask to a newborn babe. Gov Peters Fedwards has a heart attack at the podium between two strippers and his ailing cancer ridden wife ,who is also checking out the strippers. Close on BB's eyes then reveal he is holding his hand on the bible being sworn in as the NRA guys applaud behind him. He is surrounded by Daisy, his baby, and an admiring audience. Governor Peters Fedwards fires a shot into the crowd. The crowd turns to see Fedwards in a hospital gown stark raving mad with tubes dangling and people rushing to tackle him. A guard dives and boom Fedwards lets off another blast from his shotgun. Daisy goes down. FADE TO BLACK.

  2. Wow. That's really different. I like the idea that even Charlie, with her infinite and borderline supernatural influence barely gets him elected.

    What if you combine multiple ideas and instead of trying to get daisy to the polls on election day, its BB trying to get daisy to the alter before she goes into labor because he doesn't want to have the baby out of wedlock...but that may take away from the "election day" feel of the episode.

    I was a little confused about what happens in the end, but maybe that's just cause of the format on the blog, its hard to follow beat by beat.

    I really like the reincorporation of Meadow. It shows Charlie's desperation. I think what works about this idea is that it gives charlie a solid purpose and goal, a real reason to even be in the episode. Maybe david can add some of these elements to the draft and give it some more urgency with the whole ticking clock thing.

    Also no offense to whoever came up with it, but i really don't like the name seems needlessly silly which doesn't really mesh with the tone we're going for. I would vote for the name Peters.
