Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome to the Fall 2010 Writers' Room blog

This is where you can post ideas and feedback between classes.

Check in daily to see if anything new has been posted.


  1. Is there a list of the things we talked about from class last night?

  2. Hey guys Im going to miss class next week! I will be home in Arizona taking care of family stuff!

    But I will be on the blog everyday


  3. Here's the jump, or what I refer to as the bubblesphere from my notebook. Plus, I'm crazy tired and I've had a few sips of beer. I'm not going to say how many because I'm not that great at math.

    Arena: Psychiatric Ward. Apartment Complex. Restaurant. Movie theater. Vacant Land.

    Premise: Government Controlled. Behind The Scenes Beach Blanket Babylon. Social Networking. Bike Messenger Dispatch Center.

    Problem: Trust Fund Addict. Failed Suicide. Murphy's Law. Yacht Rock. Selling Out. Stereotypes. United Nations. Going Under/Gets Bought (Restaurant)

    Character: Bike Messengers. Male/Female. Critic. Executive Chef. Shady Plastic Surgeon. Abortion Doctor. Zombies. Kevorkian. Neighbors.

    Ongoing/Anthology: Street Culture

    Tone: Comedy, Drama, Dramedy.

    So, I was thinking about some ideas as far as the Restaurant theme.

    A restaurant that specializes in human fare. Wait nevermind that's Delicatessen.

    A restaurant with a cluster of wild personalities. Sitcom style: A depressed anti-social waiter.

    A quick witted host that suffers from severe allergies.

    A chef whose big dream in life is to hit the lottery. The chef is a playboy and often has girls he entertains after hours and he tries to hit on the new girl. He refuses to serve certain items on the menu.

    A retired country singer who drank his way out of the business now lends his particular brand of experience to the influx of patrons.

    A customer that incites angry responses from other locals and employees with his obscure political ideas.

    Twin servers who speak in unison across the restaurant who date two completely different boyfriends; one preppy, one gangster. The gangster boyfriend is always getting the two girls confused and the preppy is ignorantly unaware of his advances or either too scared to do anything about it.

    The Chef threatens to leave often, "as soon as I hit it big your done you can believe that."

    A female boss who has taken over ownership and has gotten rid of some of the staff from the old guard and has taken it upon herself to hire the new staff but doesn't have the people skills to hire the right replacements. She acquired the restaurant through a settlement from a nasty divorce where her husband whom neither have ever dealt with the restaurant hands on because he inherited the restaurant from his deceased first wife. He left his recent wife who he despisesfor a much younger girl and shows up at the restaurant to torment and make her life a living hell as she tries in earnest to make it work.

    A girl who gets dumped by her new husband in front of everyone who has no discernible skills becomes the next server after one of the old guard quits unexpectedly. (damn is that Rachel's Character in Friends? ahhh....that's super sad.)

    Plus, you know what? I just realized I have no idea what type of restaurant this is.

    The restaurant dictates the characters. If it's a French restaurant that's a different mood from an American style diner. Or a sushi bar crammed on a sidewalk in front of a mobile truck that sells ribs and barbecue adjacent to a bondage shop.

    There's always the other story ideas too:

    Government controlled zombie bike messengers shot in the sexy drug-addled style of Melrose Place volunteer for an experiment to stow away on a remote island and agree to quarantine themselves from trust funds until they find the cure for romantic comedies and fixed gear bicycles that curiously taper the legs of your pants as you peddle .


  4. Another area we discussed was a group of characters quarantined.

    That could create a sense of urgency - a ticking clock - for a medical team to have to discover the cause and stop the spread of whatever it is that infected them.

    Be imaginative about the cause.

  5. Airto, I like the last one the best! just saying.... also i think that the idea that the ex husband keeps parading different women in front of the ex wife has good potential for conflict, but what if it was the other way around? maybe a little more unexpected?

    Also I really like the idea of twins who have their own weird language.

    And I agree, if we proceed with this idea, the type of restaurant needs to be established and the main character (or couple of characters) needs to be the first things determined.

    Anyway here are some thoughts that I had since last class regarding the restaurant idea.


    A busboy/dishwasher who is a proper english gentleman. Maybe working in a low end job because it was the only one that he could get for a work visa. I think there is some humor in having unexpected people performing different jobs.

    A rotating cast of people who provide the entertainment. A local band who plays horrible speed metal, a really cheesy stand up comic with props, a "performance artist" who sits in a glass box and stares at the customers for hours. Things along those lines, it could be a cool reoccurring thing.

    A sous chef or prep cook who doesn't speak the same language as the chef and is continually trying to injure him/her to get their job.

    Also I was thinking, what if it wasn't just a restaurant but a venue that was large enough to hold larger events, like a hall or something. It might be too much but it might also open it up for more story options. just an idea.

    And here are some other show ideas that i'll throw out there:

    Janitors at a large corporation discover an inter-company conspiracy.

    A rehab/juvenile detention center, focus on the relationship btwn the kids and the counselors.

    A show that centers around the children that are 1st generation americans. Their experience of trying to live between two worlds and having to be the ones to help their parents assimilate.

    Finally, here are a few more Arenas that could yield something cool:

    an international hostel
    Airport Security
    Senior Center
    Teacher's Aides
    Bus Drivers
    holistic clinic
    Postal Workers
    Dating Website

    So that's my thoughts for right now...

  6. The list of what we discussed was posted by Airto. I added another area that was mentioned: a group of people who are quarantined.

    Kara has included some new areas.

    Be sure to read everyone's comments.

    We need everyone to participate.

  7. Konnichiwa.

    Great idea about the twins. Also, I think of a restaurant as having a rotating cast of people. The Postal Workers angle could be good too.

    My ideas for restaurant:

    A soft spoken, stuttering, regular who orders the same meal everyday. Except everyday he/she purposely finds something wrong with the meal so that he/she doesn't have to pay.

    An annoying vegetarian protestor (overweight maybe?), who hassles the crew.

    My ideas for a different premise:

    A body is found hung in a room. But the body has 15 mysterious symbols carved into it from head to foot. As the investigation begins and they start to discover the meaning of each symbol, they realize that each symbol is a clue, (a map), leading to the criminal. Each symbol ties into the next one. As it unfolds, each clue ups the stakes and gets more dangerous, leading to a bigger and more dangerous plot. (maybe a twist ending?)


    This could be very compelling show - following a murder investigation.

    Instead of being found in a room, what if the body was washed ashore? That would give us a good way to establish that the show takes place in San Francisco.

  9. TWINS

    The twins could be a show in itself - especially doing 6-8 minute webisodes. One dates a preppy, one dates a gangster. That would limit the size of the cast - (making it more manageable actually) - but would still give us plenty of stories.

    If they're waitress twins...
What if it's a mob owned restaurant? And what if the owner's wife filed for divorce because her husband was seeing one of the twins on the side?

  10. Yeah I was thinking the symbol carved body is a great element. If the mob threatened the husband, lets call him Donny, if the mob threatened Donny and left a body hanging in the freezer of the restaurant, the body is stripped nude and has cryptic writing and symbols covering every inch, pinned to the chest of the body is a note that says, "To Donny from your secret admirer." The restaurant personnel are shocked but try to maintain the days normal activities.

    What if the host had an accent that was horribly difficult to decipher? To make matters worse he has an attitude that it's everyone else.

    The Twins:
    I think it would be super funny if the twins Samantha, and Chloe were identical, dressed identical, spoke almost in unison though they are different as night and day in demeanor. Chloe is pensive, thoughtful, and dark. Samantha is picky, perky, and positive to a fault. Ironically, the way they speak speaks opposite to their personal demeanor. If Chloe is dark and pensive she could say, "Life is but a dream" in response to a customer asking how her day is going. Underscoring her silent optimism underneath a layer of fashioned torment. Samantha could respond, "You row, row, row your boat," to a different customer. Emphasizing her despair despite her broad smile and beaming eyes.

    Larry the Cable Guy is talking about pilates to my immediate right. Something about that is viciously unsettling. Ahhhh now it's Domino's; now I feel better.

    Is anyone else listening to car commercials to keep abreast of cool new tunes? No. Ok. Um. Yeah. So, the twins?--yeah they're um...carved up in a freezer and a trucker orders a rare steak and supply is low cause Taylor the delivery boy has a cold and that's cause it's cold, like less than freezing with the flaky white stuff falling from the big blue cap.


  11. If it's a restaurant/diner, what if the show takes place during the graveyard shift? The 2am crowd- when the bars and clubs close and people are going to eat instead of going home.

  12. It looks like the class is going down the road of the restaurant idea, it seems kinda safe, but hopefully we can infuse something fresh and new into it. It looks like a sitcom's going to be done, I guess I'm curious of the tone that we'd all want for this. I know we're going to talk about this all more in class, but the soonest we can lock this down, the sooner we can start writing...

  13. I have a couple ideas to throw in the hat.

    * A nurse gets caught taking her patients pain medication while at work. She is given the choice to go to in patient rehab or jail. WHen her junkie husband finds out she chose rehab he decides to bust her out of rehab.

    * An older dysfunctional rock band has to attempt to switch musical styles and their image to appeal to a younger audience.

  14. Hey guys? Anyone mind filling me in I was absent on Monday night!

    Looks like we are still working the premis?

    Anything I missed? See you guys next week :)

    -David Greene

  15. David- We mostly discussed two things. First, the idea of a body with mysterious symbols carved on it, which evolved into ideas about multiple people getting symbols, the bodies never decaying, and who/what put the symbols there and why. It was mostly centered around a sci-fi/supernatural theme but we hit a road block when discussing the true purpose of the symbols.

    Second was rehashing the restaurant idea. To give it a new spin, we talked about having the POV be from an illegal immigrant busboy who loves America and is trying to assimilate to what it is really like here. We discussed having him work in a hotel restaurant to have him interact with the 2am crowds. Thats just a quick summary... everyone please pitch in other important bits, esp. if you have questions David. :-)

    The main thing I noticed was that we kept digging holes when we liked parts of an idea, but once it didn't appeal, we kinda checked out. I think we should consider continuing to entertain FRESH NEW IDEAS, and lets not forget we can combine later if there are elements we think are melding well.

    That said, here are some places/situations to think about:
    - Small town auto dealership. Recent MBA grad returns to live with parents, gets job there. Hates the work but finds value in coworkers. I picture a wildly eccentric cast and he is the "normal" one.
    -Building off the nurse idea... what if it begins with her getting out of rehab and trying to get back to the real world? Only because of her treatment she can't get a job in a hospital so she becomes a school nurse?? I like the idea of starting with a character that is at a low point...
    - Following an event lighting company. Ensemble of the main guys, work for a fancy company. Some events are ridiculous (some 45 yr old throwing a playdate for her dog), others boring (corporate stuff, weddings), or gigs they all fight over (music venues,etc)

    Jesse- I like the rock band idea! To up the stakes: they have to sell the album in the new style through the roof or they lose their record deal??

    Thats all for now....

  16. Rock bands could be really fun to write about. I could definitely see that working. What if they kind of wanted to break up, then this came along, so two or more of the members are trying really, really hard to get along and make the record, but it continually dissolves into arguement?

  17. I also really like the rock band idea! It sounds like a fun area to touch. I could see it being like one of those kids' shows like The Wiggles where it was their last choice but they take it because the of the amount of money they make.
    Sara I like that idea too that they wanted to break up but an opportunity came along so they take it, and the leader of the group, I guess this could be our main character really wants to make it work.
    We could combine all the ideas we've talked about: they have to change their style and make it big or their is no deal and they "somehow" want to make it work.
    Some questions I have: what demographic target is the rock band going to appeal? What are the ages of the members in our rock band? And if we do decide to go for a younger audience what type of music are they making? (I know these questions are too early to be asked since we are barely touching the idea but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask)

  18. Stef - I really like the idea of this clearly dysfunctional person having to become a school nurse and deal with children. There's a lot of potential for heart and conflict in that. Also you could tie in the idea of an ex-husband/boyfriend/dealer who is always pressuring her to return to her old ways. Maybe it could be combined with an aspect of the auto dealership where she has to live at home with her parents. Maybe the same ones who caused her to use in the first place?

    What if she tries to get a job as a school nurse, but can't because her liscense has been taken away. However she has to keep a job to fulfill her parole, so she somehow gets tied up in a situation where someone gives her a job as an on call nurse to some shady guy. She has to keep up the pretext of school nurse when really she is in some sort of underworld job working as an on call medic for a mob boss or something. Maybe adds a little more conflict. Like she really wants to stay clean and lead this new life, but circumstances are constantly against it.

  19. On the rock band idea- what If it was from the perspective of their manager, that way the ban can be more eccentric. Or what if they weren't aging but a young band who made a splash with a controversial first album but then weren't heard from again for a couple of years and are now under extreme pressure to recreate the success of their first album, but they for some reason are unable to.

  20. I had a couple ideas I wanted to throw out there. Continuing with the hotel idea what if we focused on Bellhops or doormen. I have heard some crazy stories about doing this job.

    Another idea of rehad group of pyros. I'm still thinking of more but wanted to throws these ones out there.

  21. I like the rehab group of pyros idea. What other rehab groups might be interesting to write about? Here's my list--and please add to it!

    *sex addicts
    *food addicts
    *pornography addicts
    *dating addicts

    Myra, As far as the rock band idea and your questions I was kind of thinking the rock band would be in they're early thirty's and be from the punk rock genre. Maybe they had some success in the early 90's. I think the conflict and comedy would come from the obvious generation gap between young kids and this aging band, but also in an aging band trying to convince a younger generation that they still know whats cool even though they are still stuck in what they thought was cool when they where young. Get it? I hardly do but I had some great images in my head when I thought the rock band thing.

    Here is another idea fresh out of the oven:

    This one was in regard to the geriatric group of woman bank robbers.

    What if the show was about what older people are forced to do to survive now that they can't afford their medication and the social security and medicare is tightening their belts. I heard this story from my girlfriends dad about this old lady he met at a grocery store. He found out she was almost 72 and only received about 60 cents a day in food stamps because she owned her own house. She would regularly purchase cat food, but didn't have any cats. I guess cat food was cheaper than regular food. The guy who found this out started leaving ten dollars at the register and the cashiers would give the money to the old lady to help her with groceries.

    This story is not as uncommon as you think with seniors.

  22. For those of you who are sparking to the rock band idea...

    How do you see the cast size being manageable in 6-8 minute webisodes? With too many characters, we won't have time to tell enough story.

    Instead of a band, what if it's a solo artist? - like Amy Winehouse - the rock girl who's her own worst enemy. She might have had one huge hit, put out a second song/CD that was a big flop and lapsed into a serious substance abuse problem. OR: She hasn't put out a second CD yet because she feels that nothing she's written matches the quality of her first hit (which is making her label and manager crazy).

    She gets dropped by her label, goes on a binge and winds up in rehab. So, these days, the rocker girl with the substance abuse problem is known more for her wild behavior than she is for her music. (She definitely has talent...but the tragedy is that she's destroying her gift.)

    Her manager - who no other solo artist or band will sign with - picks her up from rehab, as they both try to pick up the pieces of their lives...and all they have is each other.

    It's a mutual love story without romance. He's in love with her - flaws and all - and she loves him for always being there for her, but she's not attracted to him and he knows it.

    She stays with him at his apartment because she's burned through all her cash - spending it all on drugs. She insists this living situation is a temporary solution, but her wild ways keep forcing her to stay with him.

  23. Just throwing out this idea because I heard some students talking about pro wrestling on the first day of class. What about a fake reality show about what goes on behind the scenes of a small independent pro wrestling company? The Wrestler meets the Office. I think there are many things to get into: How do they come up with their gimmicks or character? Their crazy life styles of chancing a dream that only a small few get to achieve. How do they become a family with their own set of rules?

  24. That's a cool idea.

    What if it is from the perspective of a new player? Like a 20 something guy (or girl) who starts wrestling and doesn't know the politics of the world. So the audience learns along with him. Maybe he joins because his father was a part of that world or to be in proximity to an older wrestler who he's always admired. It would actually be really interesting to see it from the perspective of a female, because they play a very different role in that world.

    Or on another track, what if its a middle aged guy who gets a pay cut and is desperate to scrounge up some extra cash for his family. He used to wrestle in college so when a friend shows him videos of some underground pro wrestling and mentions how much money they probably make, he decides to go for it. It seems like he wouldn't be good at it but it turns out that he has an affinity for it. Maybe he's so good that he pisses off the star of the league and unknowingly starts a rivalry.

    I just like the idea of this guy who doesn't seem like he would be a part of that world but then somehow ends up being perfect for it.

  25. I really like the rock band idea, and I agree, I think it can be more interesting if it is a solo artist instead. We can focus on her struggle trying to pick up the pieces of her long gone famous life.

    Or maybe even a child actor, who is no longer famous and are fighting to be the center of attention like it was before.

  26. So nobody is still interested with the body with symbols idea?

    I still think it can really make a unique story. Anything supernatural is always interesting.

  27. @ Kara. I like the idea of the new guy or girl, and the middle aged person who loses his or her job and decides to enter the world of wrestling. Maybe that person loses everything: job, family, money, so he decides to follow his dream of becoming a wrestler. He ends up living in his car outside the wrestling school. I imagine the show having no wrestling on it just what goes on behind the scenes.

  28. Mia, the show about the body with the symbols carved into it isn't off the table. There are definitely great possibilities with it. Go ahead and share how you see the show.


    There are a couple of ways to do this:

    1) Each webisode could feature a different inmate at either:
    a men's or women's maximum security prison
    a men's or women's minimum security prison (Club Fed)

    So some inmates are on Death Row while others are on the golf course.
    One inmate is doing life after stealing a bag of potato chips (because of the "Three Strikes" rule.) Another inmate is sentenced to three years of golf after getting nailed for insider trading and making billions.

    2) We could focus on one inmate throughout the series and follow his "life" - (which would include conjugal visits).

    Perhaps, in the pilot, it's the day they capture him after he escaped and has been missing for a week. While everyone is waiting for him to be brought back to prison, we could see interviews with:

    The groupie he married when he was already in prison. She could be in an Inmate Groupie Support Group - (which could let us take a look at women who marry guys on Death Row or doing life without parole. The inmate broke out of prison to be with her. (His cell mate went to prison because he killed his wife. He just couldn't take her anymore.)

    The inmates and his cell mate. We can hear what they think of him.

    The guard who discovered how he escaped.

    The warden who's being slammed by the media for not running a more secure prison.

    The prison chaplain - who can't get anyone to listen to his message except those who are incarcerated. He thought he got through to this inmate...but apparently not.

    The victims of his crimes.

    The person who spotted him in town and called the cops.

    When the inmate is brought back to prison, shackled, under heavy security, he turns out to be a meek little guy. But he’s like a rock star to these inmate groupies. He's received millions of fan letters and marriage proposals ever since the time of his trial.

    At the end of the pilot, the inmate is interviewed through a slot in the door in solitary confinement.

  30. Hey Crowd,
    them's the notes I conjured in my paperbook from this here last class meet'n. Yeeehaw, it was a hoot'n and a holler'n and hey put down that gun! no. no. don't. Wait! I can pay you the money! I...


    Dead body with symbols:
    -a body washes up on the shore Golden Gate Bridge in background.
    -body with symbols or multiple bodies. body leads to some other story line.
    -eccentric investigates the crime.
    -da vinci code investigator
    -local nutcase/crazy person who claims to have seen the symbols before.
    - an occult murder-religious
    -a cult leader washes up on shore
    -supernatural crop circles on body

    -the body causes a quarantine
    -The Brotherhood occult
    -parallel universe
    -golden gate as conduit
    -Native American lost language or premonitions
    -Symbols are a language, or the answer/hieroglyphics
    -body is in pristine condition
    -body is in totally decay
    -bodies follow a specific person, everywhere he goes bodies appear

    who's related to the body? the people who discovered the body?

    -those who discover the body get sick
    -those who discover the body have super powers

    who is investigating this phenomenon
    -ancient lost language
    -no identity, no fingerprints

    are they a messenger?

    -ancestors had similar occurrence
    -archeological dig uncovers a similar body
    -a guy searches from city to city to find his child that has been inducted into a cult and the cult brotherhood travels/nomadic

    is it an xfiles style of show?

    -Mission Viejo trains
    -facebook multiple suicides
    -suicide circle

    Dating website--behind the scenes

    Dr. Phil show where all advice is bad

    Pimp that goes straight and builds a website "Straight Pimp'n"

    Old school pimp gets out of jail after a long time and has to relearn the game.

    She pimp.

    Rehab for Pimps "don't make me slap you woman..." hands shaking trying to hold back.


    Divorce between owner and wife
    -a retired country singer who has a restaurant

    -two siblings who own the restaurant and fight but have to make the restaurant work to get full inheritance

    -crumby restaurant that gets transformed into fine dining

    -the brown derby $25 chili

    -through the eyes of the busboy-illegal-class warfare--he loves America (he'd better!)

    - Yakov Smirnoff "I love America" (you'd better!)

    -the busboy's perspective

    -a hotel restaurant

    -waitress/waiter that gives unwanted massages at the table

    -documentary style/ The Office

    -illegal busboy finds carved body/threat of being deported

    -ex-spy who becomes busboy to defect from his country because he knows too much dun dun duh...


    Control Z

    Horrible People

    Rescue Me (?)

  31. What if there was a support group for the victims? So for the perp who stole a bag chips there is a support group. For those swindled in the white collar crimes there is a support group.

  32. We could have a support group for the jurors who convicted them.

  33. I love the idea of an old punk band, but I do see how that wouldn't work quite as well as a solo artist. Support group for jurors? How would that work?

  34. What if the show was actually about the prison guards? I feel like there are a lot of shows about prison inmates, but what about from the other perspective. Maybe the main character is this really nice guy who becomes jaded by having to be around these horrible people. Or maybe a guy who's brother is/was also a convict. I think it might be interesting to explore the other side and investigate what the guards go through.

  35. What if the show was about the warden? What has the job done to him?

    Is he tough as nails? Wildly eccentric? (For example: The warden at the Philippines prison who had the inmates re-create the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video.)

  36. What if the body with the symbols is found in a prison? The guards find out the body isn’t one of the inmates or guards, so the prison goes on lockdown (quarantined idea). A camera crew happens to be shooting a documentary on prison life, and they end up stuck in the lockdown (mockumentary idea).

  37. That's actually a really cool idea! There could be the host of the documentary that is the person who acts as the audience's eyes and ears. Then there could be glimpses of the FBI or outside task force that comes in to investigate. I like the idea of people who suddenly become trapped in a prison and the possible hysteria that ensues.

  38. There can be a general show about rehab, with a new addiction each episode. The prison mokumentary is good, especially throwing a mysterious death involved.

    what if the story began with the lockdown in process and began with the cell mates of the murdered victim. You can throw in supernatrual by having the killer an excuted inmate or someone who never existed

  39. Another idea was interns at an radio station, whether traditional or on the internet.

  40. Don't forget these are 6-8 minute webisodes. Don't let the cast get so big the show loses its focus. Let's hear suggestions on how you see each webisode being manageable in terms of characters and sets.

  41. I like the prison mockumentry lockdown idea. So if were thinking of narrowing down the characters would we want the main character to be like someone from the crew or one of the inmates? I'm assuming we are putting all the ideas we had from the body symbols ideas into this prison idea. It would be cool to still have a supernatural feel to it.
    I love how we just threw out a lot of good and fresh ideas! So I guess with the rock band we could follow a solo artist, I would still like to see this person have to change their style to please the record label and have to appeal to a younger audience.
    I still really like the restaurant idea, the illegal busboy who works at a restaurant in a hotel and serves the 2AM crew. I know we really haven't expanded that idea I didn't really see many post about it...

  42. You can expand on any ideas you like. Don't wait for someone else to respond. Initiate. Take the lead. And run with it. Look at the idea from different angles. Explore the story possibilities by asking yourself, "What if...?" See where that takes you. And answer the questions for all the "What ifs" you come up with.

  43. What if the band was a one-hit wonder? What if the group consists of two guys who go way back and are sick of each other? The longest relationship either of them has ever had is with each other.

    They’re going to finally break up…and it’s their manager’s body that washes ashore with the symbols carved into him?

    Afterward, they each get visited by a supernatural vibe that inspires a new song. Now, they stay together because they think the symbols are some kind of sign – like it’s mapping out the group’s destiny.

    They don’t want to report the body missing or dead because they think it’s their muse. And since the body remains pristine and isn’t decomposing, they take it as more proof that this is a sign. They can’t break up now because they’ve found their “dead muse”. And because of this newfound inspiration, their music is now beyond contemporary – it’s visionary – completely cutting edge.

    Even though their new music is a hit, they still have the same personal problems with each other (i.e. one guy spends more time in rehab and jail than he does in the studio, one is sleeping with the other’s girlfriend). It’s just that now they have more to lose if they break up. They know they’re never going to get another opportunity like this again. They doubt that any more carved-with-symbols-dead-manager-muses are going to wash up at their feet anytime soon.

    After their song goes to Number One, they find an eccentric archeologist who can read the symbol. He makes it out to say: “Whatever you guys do, don’t stay together.” Great. They’re at the top of the charts, and the dead body is “telling” them to break up.

    They don’t want to mess with destiny, but they also want to ride this great wave as long as they can.

  44. Possible Ideas: The Ordeal

    Timeline of Events -
    A group of men sit around a table playing Russian Roulette. Someone's been wronged, and to figure out who the wrongdoer(s) are, this group of eccentric (superstitious maybe), men believe that through the fatal game of Russian Roulette, God will show the true guilt, or innocence, of each man. No bullet in the chamber, innocent, if there is a bullet in it, guilty. At the beginning of each episode, someone can pull the trigger, then it immediately backtracks to a quick timeline of events that led the man to the table in the first place. Then at the end, either there is a bullet, or there isn't, based on the man's timeline.

    Pertaining to the story told in class about the kid that got hit by the train and lived, maybe he there could be some sort of Constantine like element to him. Like if he actually died, and was buried, but he returns, shockingly, to the the same town, but now he has to right the wrong of suicide by helping others in life or death situations. Maybe he doesn't succeed everytime

  45. Idea overload!

    i like the idea of the body with symbols appearing in the prison. I also agree that getting the POV of the warden would be a bit more unique (but have a couple key inmates). HOWEVER... What if it was a womens' prison?? i feel like that hasn't been done and could provide some really fresh views of the prison system.

  46. It's a all female prison, and the corpse with the symbols is a male. What if the guards and warden are all female as well? The only males are in the camera crew.

  47. Sorry I missed class. Can someone update me on the ideas talked about in class?

  48. Notey notes from classy class. Some of it may be repeated or seem like non sequiturs because the energy started to really pop this class.

    *ALERT-The class is staying an extra hour this week to begin making up for the make up class.

    Nurse let out of rehab and has to be "normal"

    Prison Mockumentary (w/dead body)

    Rock Band (w/dead body)

    -dead body shows up everywhere
    -restaurant idea is shelved

    Prison Idea
    -The warden: Intro/dealing with a particular inmate--then the body shows up.

    -Camera crew doing expose on female warden. Could be featured in "whatever" "powerful woman of the year"

    -Oprah wants to feature her in a video expose for "O" magazine

    -bringing a prisoner back-getting thoughts from - victims
    - warden
    - boyfriend
    - girlfriend

    -How is the prisoner going to try and escape next time

    -interviews with the different characters

    -what if he the prisoner intentionally gets caught

    -what if the warden hires a documentary crew to film him "taking out the trash" to solidify his position as a strong candidate for office.

    -male warden who runs a female prison that houses the mort notorious escapee and he wants to keep her there to butter up his chances for election

    -warden is in the middle of taping for his election campaign where his spotless career as a warden is tarnished by an escaping inmate

    -warden is a media whore, running for governor of a podunk town.

    -Around his office are pictures of the warden schmoozing and shaking hands with "powerful" people. Some pictures are close-ups of just two hands clasped together in a hand shake. A picture of the warden and Hilary Clinton in a log cabin ride at a corporate retreat

    -his father was governor

    -his mother is doting, condescending and overbearing. Mostly off screen presence

    -mother was once a powerful person

    -feels entitled

    Characters are listed in the other blog posts but just in case

    Warden's Head Guard (opportunist secretly wants wardens job)
    Sound Guy

    -youtubing crime spree

    -warden trying to start a facebook page or dating website when the inmate jokingly adds him to let him know she's escaped again. Alarms sound. Warden is again dejected and made to look foolish.

    -Warden is a good old boy from the South, complete with very conservative, tough, black and white, right and wrong viewpoint. Solipsist.

    -Warden and Inmate both want to escape from prison

    -mother runs a nearby larger prison.

    -zap belt

    -Female Inmate is a cross between Pink, Sarah Connor, Kate from "Lost", Jane Fonda in "Klute"

    Style of Series:
    Office meets OZ.
    -Use the show as a satire on ambition
    -Use the show to speak about ambition under the backdrop of prison

  49. notey class from classy notes

    Warden Buford Beaumont Warren:
    -A mix between Alex Baldwin, Boss Hogg, Abraham Lincoln, Tom Arnold
    -Uses his position by promising early paroles to get sexual favors from the more attractive inmates then reneges on the deal.
    -Tough on crime, opportunistic, sadistic, sleezy, charming, manipulator, smarmy, entitled, hated, liar
    -What the inmates will do for freedom
    -It's sex or solitary
    -wants to elicit the voter base of poor saps who write in to propose to Charlie
    -attracted to convicts
    -grudge against Charlie
    -ruthless ambition
    -rationalizes and justifies his abuse of the inmates
    -control freak on tilt
    -uses spin to help justify i.e. after the breakout he states, "As Governor, this would've never happened."
    -uses past as leverage for personal gain

    Guard Daisy DeBulle
    Female. Wants warden's job, smarter than warden. Think: Karl Rove. PTSD, drunk, unattentive (?) tries to seduce the warden to no avail.

    Inmate Charlie
    Innocent, not innocent, badass, manipulates warden,
    -Charlize Theron (Monster)
    -had an affair with current Governor
    what did she do?
    -call girl
    -con artist
    -I.D. theft
    -Destroyed people's lives

    Everything is a constant negotiation

    Both are con artists for different reasons

    Warden BB Warren sends Guard Daisy to shake down Governor to make him step down by using the black mail of Charlie's promiscuous past.

    During a tour Warden BB leans on the alarm and it short circuits and won't shut off.

    The inmates use the "lock down" to manipulate the system...start a prison riot.

  50. Wordy words for the reading public.

    Warden BB Warren-- Shoots Campaign AD
    "Tough on crime" "Runs a tight ship"
    During Filming for commercial Alarm goes off
    Prison Charlie has escaped
    Prison is on Lockdown- film can't leave
    Learn about Charlie through Interviews of: Inmates/Guards/People she victimized/guy who sends love letters and proposes
    Build the "Legend of Charlie"
    Crew wants to leave but are kept by Warden BB
    Crew is more interested in Charlie than BB
    "One Week Later"
    They catch Charlie-- As the transport her back more interviews--
    Charlie arrives
    Thrown in the "Hole"
    Crew interviews her through "door slot"

    The Governor admits to the "sex tape" with Charlie--his poll numbers go up

    Warden BB wants a "sex tape" with Charlie to improve his standings
    He lies and "lets it leak" that he has a sex tape too
    He propositions Charlie, if she agrees to do a "tasteful" sex tape he'll commute her sentence when he has become Governor, Charlie knows better than to trust his offer
    She'd rather go to the hole than have sex with Warden BB

    Interviews start with the emotion, "Charlie, is that what she's calling herself these days? Well whatever her name is, she took me for 80 racks, yeah, I know Charlie."

    Interview: Teeniebooper--Charlie is "hip to love"
    People on the outside
    Current Governor: "I'm sure Warden BB with his limited, let's call them facilities, is doing the best he can with what he's got, bless his heart, and God bless America."
    Psychologist from Trial female, crying, "She said she loved me. I'm sorry excuse me, I can't do this."
    Sympathetic Old Lady Juror: "If you ask me, shit, she's the victim, that poor sexy little thang, she got jacked by the jakes now they got her doin a 25 on the block locked in the clink..."

    Man about to jump off GGBridge, "She's out? When? Wait give me your hand...o, oo, oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo splish...."

    Episode Ideas:
    An actor follows Charlie around because her rights to her life story have been bought by "Hollywood"

    Warden tries to take the footage out of the camera. Stomps on the camera. Goes ballistic. Tries to tape over it.

    Charlie is prideful on her return

    Planes fly by and drop love letters into the yard

    Pygmalion: Tries to "doll-up" Daisy. Daisy does Steroids: Make over: Inmates acting up when Daisy is off the juice.

    Women's Group: possible major campaign contributor. Warden BB flips out smashes their tea cups when he hears bad news about the Governors good news.

    Conjugal Visits

    PR campaign musical: think Filipino "Thriller"

    Warden BB supports the "Arts"

    Sports Episode: Playing against another Prison, The Longest Yard

    Talent Show

    Warden BB gets sued by a frivolous lawsuit

    Officially running his candidacy

    Speech writing episode

    new inmate challenges Charlie: fellow or old con buddy

    Prison is mass producing cola cans

    Inmates go on strike from producing bra's

    budget cuts

    call center
    Daisy runs prison for a day, "substitute teacher"

    Daisy crying while bench pressing heavy weights
    started doing "juice" after a work related injury
    Warden like her on the "juice" Charlie convinces her to quit
    causes security problem for warden
    Warden has tough "say drugs to no" policy

  51. Throw all the necessary ingredients into the idea machine! Yofrutie!

    Gun Control
    Dick Cheney moment.
    Duck hunting--daisy gets shot in the face by BB. Apologizes for being shot in the face by BB.

    She gets shot in the face in front of school kids on a jail field trip in the prison.

    Testing out new weapons for the Guards, Daisy is shot, bean bag gun.

    Camera Crew can be holding out for more money.

    Reactions to accident--Interviews, Confessionals,

    Campaign Manager urges to fix situation

    BB tries to spin it

    Prisoner's scared to get shot now.

    Charlie's reaction

    Charlie "helps" BB resolve 1. Daisy apologize. 2. Public Statement/service announcement.

    Why help get out of the hole and get her life back to how it was before she escaped.

    Charlie wants more cell accouterment.

    Charlie applies make up to Daisy's bullet riddled face.

    "I should not have gotten in the way of his bullets. I'm sorry for taking up the Wardens busy schedule with such an unfortunate event."

    Governor's twisted opposing ad.

    The NRA wants to keep up the pressure.

    BB gets plan b from Charlie

    Grade school gun control class
    another misfire

    Over crowding-- budgets getting cut for healthcare

    new execution room--lethal injection death penalty

    BB is prolife...BB sleeps around with other inmates an inmate gets pregnant. wants her to abort the fetus.

    Parish of BB turns up to be homosexual. BB doesn't want to lose the gay vote!

    Charlie wants to protest on behalf of the women who want to get married in the prison.

    healthcare_ corporate sponsership...environmental.

  52. Notes are spelled seton backwards.

    Sex Tape Notes--

    --what if BB is in his office--watching the sex tape, loving it because he's got dirt on the GOV.

    The Governor and Charlie are filmed in night vision--The Governor has handcuffs and a satin eye mask.

    --The nanny sits across the desk. She brought in the tape.

    Charlie wants to talk the Warden into letting the prisoners have conjugal visits. They're all on the edge with no means of release. The prison is about to literally burst at the hinges if the Warden doesn't turn the relief valve and grant them conjugal visits.

    The Gov.'s ratings are rising in a newscast behind. He stands besides his wife. He does not hide his transgressions. He smiles. Reporters flash cameras and ask questions. He fields a question about the tape. He smugly responds, "Yeah, and I'd do it again." He fields another question, "My wife's cancer is terminal so any day now." His wife does her best to smile and nod. She's drugged and far from lucid.

    BB tells Charlie she's to blame for the lack of conjugal visits. He's punishing the prisoners for her mistakes.

    Charlie pleads. BB says no unless he can film a sex tape with Charlie.

    Charlie agrees if he follows guidelines.

    CUT TO: Trailer. BB blindfolded, Charlie lays him back on the bed. BB oozes excitement. Charlie pulls back. Daisy enters. Charlie ushers her over, silences her huge smiling face by placing her finger over Daisy's mouth.

    CUT TO: Daisy is bucking and squealing riding BB like he is a mechanical bull.

    The Gov. conducts an investigation into BB's practices in regards to his employ relationships.

    Daisy is revealed to be pregnant.

    BB doesn't care because he has no reason to believe it is his child.


    In a Debate with the GOV.

    BB--"Look, if you teach a woman to cook she'll bring you fish for dinner, but if you teach a woman to get her a education then she'll use that education to buy a boat. If elected Gov. I vow to have all of the woman's in my prison to get their high school's diplomacy."

    Gov Attack Ad "Clearly BB lacks the education he's stands for."

    BB lets it slip that he doesn't have a high school diploma. (could happen over a loudspeaker or at a press conference.)

    Charlie has a good thing going with moving goods in and out of the prison (we learn how it's done as...) the prisoner's move, tampons, champagne, an ipod through the prison system.

    BB fakes a high school diploma.

    BB is suspended because he doesn't have a high school diploma.

    BB tries to make Daisy look inept but has no power. The doors slams in his face like Diane Keaton in the Godfather.

    Charlie convinces Daisy she was born to be the Warden. "Women in charge."

    Daisy reluctantly takes the office. She is timid as she walks through BB's office touching his things. As soon as her butt hits the chair she is filled with the power of the position.

    The prison now operates at full capacity on time. Daisy is like Mussolini and the trains. Or Goebbles and his propaganda. The prison is a well oiled machine under Daisy's tutelage and now that she's had a taste, she's not giving it up for nothing.


    Charlie's plan backfires. She can't smuggle in goods and now the other prisoner's are coming down hard on her. There's infighting and rigamarole all the live long day.

    We see the depletion in the quality of the goods, tan bark, pruno, half a broken record.

    BB has to attend sensitivity training to graduate from high school and finally get his diploma.

    His task, he won't do it, he can't do it--it's home ec. and he refuses to take over a woman's station.

    Daisy is mad with power and control. She gradually becomes Hillary Clinton. Her hair begins to change, and she starts donning pant suits as she struts around the office. She even laughs like Hillary.

    BB flips out. He is unteachable. Daisy provokes BB, taunts him mercilessly, BB breaks down and cries. His breakdown is caught on film and turned into another ATTACK AD for the GOV.

    With Daisy as Warden Charlie starts to loose her cred.

    Charlie calls in a favor and has a diploma forged for BB so that he can become warden BB again.

    BB retakes his thrown as Daisy is usurped. BB relaxes as everything returns to how it once was.
