Monday, September 27, 2010

Warden B.B. Warren - (Archetype: Alec Baldwin)

Write your brilliant take on this media whore, women's prison warden with a huge sense of entitlement running for governor.


  1. Here are a few ideas that I've been having about him. I was thinking about what his family would be like because that informs a character a lot. What if he was the middle, and frequently overlooked, middle child of a prestigious southern family. Which would explain his pathological need for recognition and praise.

    Also what if he had a young child who was the victim of a crime and died. But this happened like 15 years ago so the wound isn't fresh but still a strong motivator of why he would be so hard on crime. Maybe the escapee's crime involved a child in some way ( possibly inadvertently) and that gives him a strong point of view towards her. Or it could be his wife too and he never go remarried. That could work to.

  2. I do agree with the first point, but I'm not so sure on the second. Perhaps, rather, it's that his daughter ran off to be a criminal, or to admire our escapee, and he sees his daughter in the escapee, and wants to somehow get involved in that? I don't know...

  3. I tried posting something over the weekend but it was on my phone so I guess it didn't take. I was thinking for the warden's back story if he'd at one time penned a cookbook inspired by prison food. Fine dinning for prison, i.e. Foie gras infused Dorito spread paired with a vintage red wine pruno.

  4. I see the warden as someone in desperate need of attention and recognition. It would be funny if he tried his luck in song writing and singing before this.
    I think Kara's idea is great, but I really don't se him as a father, so what if he's the uncle of the child instead?

  5. Mia- I completely agree, he wants to be the center of attention. It could be funny if he thinks he's a good singer. I also agree that I don't see him as a father, mostly because I don't see him as being married or even in love with someone-- he's too self-involved. An uncle could work.

    Kara, I like your idea of him being a middle child. It sets the stage nicely for his pathological need for attention. Also if he has some major sibling rivalry issues.

  6. What Warden B.B. Warren liked to recite The Art Of War to himself in the mirror.

  7. I meant to say what if to the above comment. But I'm not sure how to edit this bad boy.

  8. Also, does Warden BB need a brother that's on drugs or has something to hide?

  9. Wardern BB Warren is out anti-hero. He is the kenny powers of the prison. He is a total pig, and will do anything to see under a women's skirt. He is a liar, completely full of himself, and will do anything for a step up to be govener. He cares about nothing but self image and cheesy add campaigns. He is basically a satire of the modern day politicion...

    Thats my take.

  10. I like "will do anything to see under a women's skirt"... That made me grin. It also reminded me of last week, we considered the possibility of him sleeping with inmates. I think he considers himself this sex god, whereas the convicts are not into him at all. They might sleep with him, but it's not something they particularly care for.

  11. I found this and thought it could make a good model. He has some fascinating ideas about prison life.

